In this toy design project, I utilized observational research methods to come up with a sustainable sandbox toy to help promote fine motor skills and cognitive recognition in young children.

Clean the Beach Motor Skill Toy

What is it?


Miro Board

Research 2

Concept Map

Brainstorms + Sketches

Persona 1

Persona 2

Early Prototypes 

Final Prototypes 

Hero Shot




Reflection: This project was an excellent opportunity for me to expand on my research and presentation abilities. I am very proud of the overall toy concept, but there are many aspects I look forward to improving. First of which, would be the size/proportions of the model. It became clear that there is not much room for playing in the sand as desired. In addition, the hexagonal shape of the box takes away from the "beach" concept. I hope to make the model more accessible and "beach-like" in the future!
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