The theme of the 2022 Design Charette was design for repair. The professors strategically paired each 2nd year designer with a more experienced 3rd and 4th year design student. I was paired with 4th year Meredith Billman and 3rd year Amelia Walker. We were given a very used and outdated fossil purse to "repair" in a little over a week. Here is what we came up with...
Design Charette video 2022 (Doland, Billman, Walker)
Memory Notebook Poster
The Leather Purse
The Purse's issues
Research Themes
Ideas and Sketches
Final Concept and User Scenario Sketches
Taking the Bag Apart
Dying and Painting the Bag
Sewing Process
The Outcome 
Reflection 1
Reflection 2
Please visit our Miro Board to see our process and idea organization more in depth!
Our Miro Board
Overall Reflection: Our team worked very well together! We each brought our authentic skills and experiences to the table to complete this Charette. I learned so much from my teammates and I really valued their help and feedback. If I were to do this project over again, I think we should focus more on repair than upcycling. It became clear towards the end of the Charette that we had lost site of the task at hand, which is to ultimately repair the item with the industrial design process. Instead we ended up turning the item into something almost entirely different, that has a lot more meaning and substance, but is not necessarily "repair." All in all, this was an incredible learning experience and I look forward to my next two Charette experiences at Ohio State. 
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